Sunday, 7 February 2010

Still contemplating

I haven't been feeling well. This is probably due to insufficient rest since last November & lack of sleep lately. But I am so looking forward to the long weekend this week, due to the Lunar New Year celebrations (yay!)

With regards to my cousin's engagement on the 28th of this month, I am still indecisive of what / which goodie I should be doing for the gifts exchange. There are a couple of ideas though...

As for the guests, I'm not sure if I should contribute in this area. Not that I don't want to but one of my aunts, who is very good at making traditional desserts, is in charge of this. But then, no harm in mixing a little of traditional goodies with modern ones.

If I'm going to contribute in both the gifts exchange & desserts, now will I have enough time to prepare? Hhmmm.... I hope I'm able to take leave that week (fingers & toes crossed).

Meantime, let me finalize the list first.

Till the next entry. Hopefully I'll feel much better then.

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