Sunday, 25 March 2007

Requests from Effa & Kynn

I had a very busy weekend, with cake requests of course... Lucky thing was I'm able to set aside the time to bake despite preparing for a 'virgin' project next week.

Coincidentally the two order requests I had this week comes from repeat customers, who has been supporting my goodies & bakes. I'm really touched.

First was an M&Ms Brownie & a dozen Chocolate Hazelnut Cheese Cups for Effa. She came by Mum's place to collect on 24th March '07.

Effa's M&Ms
Chocolate Hazelnut Cheese Cups for Effa

Next, 30 pieces Chocolate Cupcakes for kynn. It was actually for her cousin's birthday, to be delivered on 25th March '07. I hope everybody enjoyed the cuppies, dear.

Chocolate Cupcakes for Kynn
Right now, I am looking forward to next week... Not because I'm going on vacation or anything like that, but there are a few things planned which can make me happy.
First an appointment on Tuesday; cousins coming over to help with my 'virgin' project (taking place on 1st April) on Wednesday; a dinner with ex-bosses on Thursday; on leave on Friday.
Guess I'll just have to put up with Monday.

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Another M&Ms Brownie

Baked another M&Ms Brownie for Liana, to be brought to a chalet. She called in the morning asking if the brownie was ready for collection as she planned to come over much earlier, before 1pm.

Since everything was set, I informed her to drop by any time.

M&Ms Brownie for Liana

After the collection, got the kids ready to go over to Mum's place as dear daughter wanted to sleep over. Both hubby & I deposited the kids at my mum's & then off we went to watch the movie "300".

It was definitely a movie worth watching, that's for sure. No regrets if you spend your last few dollars on this movie. Hubby said it was better than "Gladiator" or "Braveheart". I say go watch it!

After the movie picked up dear son, who's acting up because not enough sleep. Left the little girl & will be fetching her tomorrow afternoon. The house sure is quiet without her around, not that I'm grateful for that. She sure makes the house livelier.

Oh well, tomorrow will be another busy day at work for me. *deep sigh*

Hectic Week

Haven't really had the mood to post anything - been too tired & too stressed at work. So much to do in so little time.

Anyways, had a few requests for M&Ms Brownie for this week.

First is from Lady who requested for a 20cm M&Ms Brownie to be collected today after her doctor's appointment. She fractured her foot the other day & I wondered how she's feeling now. I hope she will get & feel better after collecting the brownie she's been drooling at sistabrownie's.

M&Ms Brownie for Lady

Then there was another request from a repeat customer, who has been kind enough to taste & review my bakes & goodies. She's none other than Effa!

This time she requested for a special package of 6 Chocolate Hazelnut & 6 Oreo CheeseCups. Since she was unable to collect them, she sent a representative aka her sister to collect on behalf.

Chocolate Hazelnut & Oreo Cheese Cups

While 'penning' this down, I am preparing for another M&Ms Brownie for Liana, who will be bringing it to a chalet tomorrow.
So till tomorrow...
P.S: After a stressful week, met a regular guest today Mr Gomez, who really made my day. He complimented my service although it is my job & that's what I do everyday. He is such a friendly & approachable person that I didn't think twice to go up to him this evening, or any other day to greet him.

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Wedding Oreo Cheesecake

I had a request for an Oreo Cheesecake from Feezawati aka roxybabe86, for her aunt's wedding. It was to be delivered to Toa Payoh, the bride-to-be's place.

Wedding Oreo Cheesecake

While we were on the way, we met with a minor accident along CTE whereby the idiotic driver just brushed against hubby's vehicle. This driver was exiting from the side road while we were on the major road.

He must have panicked as he got back into his car & ready to go as soon as he stepped out to sort of check out on our vehicle. He claimed there was nothing until hubby called him out again to look at the damage done on the front left cabin. When hubby asked why he had to brush off like that, you know what the idiotic driver said -- "You didn't give way to me!" Excuse me... you're coming from the side road mind you!

He's a real dumb a** & it just makes my blood boil thinking about this. He'd better pay for the repainting man...

Other than this unfortunate minor accident, the rest of the day turned out fine & I had the rest I truly deserved. Next week is going to be another hectic week as I have lots & lots of paperwork to do & complete. Afterwhich a project for a friend (I've blocked off 24th March to 1st April for this).

Please come fast April... I need that break!

Saturday, 3 March 2007

Request from Bahrain

I was initially surprised when Annie informed me of her intention to request for a dozen Oreo Cheesecups for a friend. Surprised because she is currently residing in Bahrain & the thought of "overseas request" just excites me.

The request is for a dear friend Faradis, whose daughter has caught chicken pox. This was meant to be a surprise for her.

So both Annie & I planned this throughout the week with daily messages to each other on the details.

Finally sent the cheesecups over & she was indeed surprised by Annie's kind & generous gesture. I really like her reaction when she was told that these were actually for her & children. She just couldn't believe it & was indeed very surprised. (like she's being "punked" *Ashton Kutcher show*).

"Get Well Soon!" Oreo Cheese Cups from Annie to Faradis

It was great to meet her & we talked for a while, as dear daughter was busy telling me "the lift is here". Anyways I hope we would meet again, as it is not impossible due to the near distance we stay between each other, insyaallah.

When I got home, got everyone ready to go to cousin's wedding in Marsiling. I've been missing from family member's weddings due to work. Since my parents know that I don't work on Saturdays, they asked me to come along this time.

It could be a good thing that I went to this wedding, as I met up with an ex-classmate Kamisah, who is the Mak Andam for my cousin (small world). Had small talk & we hope to keep in touch as she is also a Multiplier.

P.S: Baked more Cempedak Cake & tried out Durian Cake using the same basic recipe. Turned out well but dear hubby still prefers the Cempedak. Will bring both to work for colleagues as I've been mentioning this since I discovered the recipe.

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Wazzup on Tuesday

Been busy lately... Busy lazying around & spending some quality time with dear son. He's getting more & more cheeky these days.

Anyway, sent dear Zinedine to the clinic for his MMR jab on Tuesday, 27th. Lucky that he's being very co-operative.

He was agitated in the room while the nurse was asking me a lot of questions (maybe he's thinking "get it done & over with lady!"). So tried as much as possible to get him distracted as he's due for his milk & nap.

After checking his weight & getting the precription for the Paracetamol, finally got his jab on the left arm. He cried a little but managed to distract him from the pain by singing the 'alligator' song.

While singing & carrying him, he fell asleep. So time to pay for his medicine. What a long time it took! The nurse said that he won't be having fever immediately but it will come (in some cases, the kid will not have any at all) between 3 and 5 days *stress*. I really hope the fever will not come.

In the afternoon, fetched dear daughter back from school. Since there's a pasar malam opposite my block, though of take a look-see.

Hmmm, saw some pisang goreng, so-called shark's fin soup, Ramly burger, keropok lekor & then I saw it.... I saw cempedak - fried & fresh ones. You know what this meant? I can finally try my Cempedak Cake recipe (woo hoo!)

It's selling at 3 packs for $5 (1 pack $2). So I bought 3 packs. So kiasu, I'm so afraid that I can't find cempedaks ever again. Never mind, when I reach home I'm going to puree everything.

Started my baking experiment quite late, almost 6pm. Fortunately it was an easy recipe, which I managed to get it done pretty quickly.

The cake really smelled nice from the oven. Couldn't wait to get my hands on those cakes, so while it was still hot (not warm ah), opened one up & it was soooo soft. Zinedine & I had two for ourselves.

So I thought that perhaps it was still hot that the texture was soft. But even after it has cooled completely it really taste like sponge cake, even lighter in fact. My only regret was not putting in more puree, despite my kiasuism of buying 3 whole packs & I only used one for this. Never mind, there will always be a next time (insyaallah). I intend to bake this for a few people actually, for tasting.

Cempedak Puree

Cempedak Cake / Loaf

The texture

Verdict for this trial recipe: SUCCESS. Now it's time to bake some more & let my official tester/taster to decide.