Saturday, 3 March 2007

Request from Bahrain

I was initially surprised when Annie informed me of her intention to request for a dozen Oreo Cheesecups for a friend. Surprised because she is currently residing in Bahrain & the thought of "overseas request" just excites me.

The request is for a dear friend Faradis, whose daughter has caught chicken pox. This was meant to be a surprise for her.

So both Annie & I planned this throughout the week with daily messages to each other on the details.

Finally sent the cheesecups over & she was indeed surprised by Annie's kind & generous gesture. I really like her reaction when she was told that these were actually for her & children. She just couldn't believe it & was indeed very surprised. (like she's being "punked" *Ashton Kutcher show*).

"Get Well Soon!" Oreo Cheese Cups from Annie to Faradis

It was great to meet her & we talked for a while, as dear daughter was busy telling me "the lift is here". Anyways I hope we would meet again, as it is not impossible due to the near distance we stay between each other, insyaallah.

When I got home, got everyone ready to go to cousin's wedding in Marsiling. I've been missing from family member's weddings due to work. Since my parents know that I don't work on Saturdays, they asked me to come along this time.

It could be a good thing that I went to this wedding, as I met up with an ex-classmate Kamisah, who is the Mak Andam for my cousin (small world). Had small talk & we hope to keep in touch as she is also a Multiplier.

P.S: Baked more Cempedak Cake & tried out Durian Cake using the same basic recipe. Turned out well but dear hubby still prefers the Cempedak. Will bring both to work for colleagues as I've been mentioning this since I discovered the recipe.

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