Sunday, 25 March 2007

Requests from Effa & Kynn

I had a very busy weekend, with cake requests of course... Lucky thing was I'm able to set aside the time to bake despite preparing for a 'virgin' project next week.

Coincidentally the two order requests I had this week comes from repeat customers, who has been supporting my goodies & bakes. I'm really touched.

First was an M&Ms Brownie & a dozen Chocolate Hazelnut Cheese Cups for Effa. She came by Mum's place to collect on 24th March '07.

Effa's M&Ms
Chocolate Hazelnut Cheese Cups for Effa

Next, 30 pieces Chocolate Cupcakes for kynn. It was actually for her cousin's birthday, to be delivered on 25th March '07. I hope everybody enjoyed the cuppies, dear.

Chocolate Cupcakes for Kynn
Right now, I am looking forward to next week... Not because I'm going on vacation or anything like that, but there are a few things planned which can make me happy.
First an appointment on Tuesday; cousins coming over to help with my 'virgin' project (taking place on 1st April) on Wednesday; a dinner with ex-bosses on Thursday; on leave on Friday.
Guess I'll just have to put up with Monday.

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