Friday, 14 January 2011

Peanut Butter Brownie

I felt like having a brownie & thought of macadamia. But since I've tried putting in macadamia nuts into my brownie, I thought why not make full use of this free time to try something I'd not done before. I have, after all, a jar of creamy peanut butter in my fridge (I discovered that the kids preferred crunchy to creamy : P)

Using my basic brownie recipe, I sloshed quite a 'few' spoonfuls of peanut butter all over the brownie mixture. Little did I realize that I'd actually used up the half-full jar; everything went into the brownie mixture. Oh well... I'd really hoped the taste combination would complement one another other - sweet, chocolatey, salty, nutty, creamy. I had never tried sweet & salty brownie before so I was a little sceptical about this experiment.

I couldn't resist the temptation to see what it's like inside that after 15 minutes of cooling, I cut it up. Well, what could I say? I love it! What a way to enjoy these warm bites on a cooling day with a cup of hot coffee.

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