Saturday, 1 January 2011

Twenty Ten in retrospect

Twenty Ten - good year or not-so-good year? It's a fine line actually. It wasn't good but not so bad either. 

Good because I celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary; it wasn't so good because a similar incident happened to me around the same time it happened in 2009.

Well taking things into lighter random notes, these were some of my thoughts I'd like to share:

I value family time; I miss my mum's cooking and being & talking to my two brothers. Although I'd always been sceptical about friends' sincerity, I learn to let go slowly & cautiously. I discover friendship once again. There were those whom I thought were friends all this while but turned out they were just acquaintances. I reconciled with old friends, recalled good memories with close ones & gained new ones as well...
I continuously attempted some new things but decided to give some of them a miss, either because it was just not worth it or taking too much of my precious time...

I love baby girls. I miss cuddling a baby girl in my arms. Although the timing hadn't been right, at least I still have my cute niece to adore...

A bold decision after 11 years (like finally!)... Didn't realize what I'd been missing. This decision had, subconsciously, made me wiser & a happier person. No regrets...

Enjoying family breakfast on weekends. I began doing things at a slower pace, something I hadn't been accustomed to do for a long time. My previous job was the culprit...

Life's a test... Though it's hard to accept certain challenges, I was constantly learning to appreciate what I had, have & been given... As quoted by Oprah Winfrey: "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in your life, you'll never have enough."

Facing more & new challenges ahead, I should overcome some of my fears & jitters. I wasn't sure what was holding me back. Whatever it was, I prayed for strength to face it. For what I'd missed, I could never take it back. I was going to use whatever time, strength and patience I have to go through life's challenges and make things right. My kids needed my attention and sometimes I tend to overlook that. I'd also overlooked that my kids were different. People always say, "all kids are different". How different? Saying it & to have actually witness & going through it, were two different things altogether.

Some people were blessed with all the good things that life has to offer (good for them). Others went through s**t to learn what life has to offer. For what life has in store for each of us, accept it.

May the new year be a better one for all of us. May we all be bless with good health.

Happy New Year everyone!

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