Monday, 8 December 2008

Some pics for updates

I'll let the pics do the talking... (Before uploading the pics, I've a little difficulty picking up where I've left off).

To start off, these are the lovely kids - Zinedine, Ghazi & 'Ufairah. It is always a bit challenging every time I try to get a group pic. But in the end managed to but there will always be one of them not fully co-operate.

Latest in the 'production line'. This was taken months back.

Then we also went on a short cruise aboard the SuperStar Aqaurius. It was the weekend 3D2N cruise when we thought we just wanna relax, give the kids some kind of experience. This was 'Ufairah's second cruise & Zinedine's first. Ghazi was left at home with Mum cos I thought I wanna save on the cabin fare and Ghazi is stil too young at the time.

In our porthole cabin (left) and at the top deck after having barbeque dinner (right).

While waiting to disembark from the ship, 'Ufairah participated in a flower-making workshop.

One last pic before we leave the ship.

In May, we all celebrated 'Ufairah's 5th birthday with a PowerPuff Girls cake.

Not forgetting the goodie bags for her classmates.

Then in June, there was my brother's wedding. I decided to make him & his wife tiered cupcakes. The wife's theme was Pink & Black; my brother's Gold & Black.

Pink & Black for my sister-in-law.

Gold & Black for my brother (gave him some Mango & Chocolate Mousse as extras. I was unfair, I know)

It was quite stressful for me to pull this off as this was a virgin project. But thank God, everything went smoothly despite the heavy rain in the middle of the ceremony. Lucky that the 5-tiered cupcakes didn't tumble over.

From cupcakes, mousse, decor, flowers & the overall set-up. My challenge was the time taken to set everything up at two places in the short possible time.

Although I managed to pull this off, there is still room for improvements, definitely.

In August, decided to join hubby on a work trip to Dubai. It was actually just a stopover for a few days and I thought I wanna join him there to see the city of Dubai.

Didn't do much sight-seeing but manage to love the place. I enjoyed myself and will definitely return to this city in future.

The Museum, to me, is very unique as it looks like a fort. So ancient.

The things there are not relatively cheap due to the many expats there. Weather wise.... hmmm... it was a bad timing too as it was summer and the temperature actually rose to 46C! The night before I arrived, Dubai was overcome by sand storm.

I think the next time I come back, this building (burj Dubai) would have been completed.

I guess that's it. All the months passed by and I squeezed them into one full page summary. I'll try to update more often, when I can. But one thing for sure is that I'll be pretty occupied till end of 2008 as I'll be making preparations for the kid's school next year.

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